The Importance Of Wall Clocks In Your Home

The Importance Of Wall Clocks In Your Home

The Importance Of Wall Clocks In Your Home

Wall Clocks help us to manage our lives. We are depending on clocks for our routine activities from wake up in the morning to sleep at night. It helps to be everywhere on time such as leaving for work, leaving work to go home, attend meetings during the day, catch up with friends in the evening or any other virtual social commitments we have.

How does a wall clock help us today?

With digital time being more present today, with smart phones in our pockets, fitbits on our wrists and our computers telling us the time at the top of our screens, it does warrant the question as to why have an analogue wall clock at all in your home. The answer is simple. In this digital world, most families gather for breakfast in the kitchen before work, school or college and that is the time of the day when we are most likely to be running late. It is also the place when our phones are not in our hands and we are not looking at our PC’s, so having a wall clock in the kitchen is the deciding factor on whether or not to reach for the second cup of coffee, relative to our schedule, or decide if there is time for pancakes.

Should you have a clock in the living room?

The living room is the second most practical place to display a wall clock. When not in the kitchen, the family spends most of their day in the living room. It’s also one of the best locations in the home to keep the whole family on time. Besides this, living rooms generally the most space, the biggest walls and the highest ceilings in a house, making it the ideal place to display a truly decorative, large statement clock.

If you have any questions on interiors or accessories, get in touch with us here and if you are looking to buy online, click here for our online store, serving all of Ireland.