How To Choose A King Koil Mattress

How To Choose A King Koil Mattress

How to choose a king koil mattress


Mattress buying is something we don’t do regularly, so choosing a new mattress can be confusing. Yet we know our new mattress is going to be around for a long time, so it’s not a choice you want to get wrong. Given the wide range of choice, we will try to help you choose a new mattress.

Do the basics first

This is the easy part, first up choose the size of mattress you want (lots of people are switching from a double mattress 4-6ft to a 5-0ft for example to benefit from the wider sleeping area). Then decide if you are keeping the old bedstead or base, consider here if your current foundation is good enough to support your new mattress for the oncoming decade of use… Now, you are perfectly armed to research the type of mattress that suits your needs.

Find reviews and things you like

Days and days of online research will only serve to churn up conflicting information from multitudes of sources. Look at the bed you have today – was it comfortable, did it last long? If you were happy with the purchase, then look to choose the same mattress brand when you replace. How about a great stay over at a hotel or friends house? Do you recall the mattress brand, did you ask reception or check the label for the brand name? And consider chatting to friends or family, have they bought a mattress recently, what brand do they recommend? By asking questions of people whose advise you trust and relate you, you can quickly narrow your search.

Pop to the showroom

Unless the new mattress is for a rarely used spare room, you are going to need to try the mattress in a shop. It’s a long term buy and unlike most other products, because you sleep on it, you need to try it first. Comfort and support are both in the eye of the beholder so be sure to test a good number of mattresses in store. We say, feel it first. When you get to the shop, remember that most modern master bedroom mattresses are priced from €1,000 to €3,000 for a 5-0ft size. It might seem like a hefty spend but it’s probably the longest lasting piece of furniture you will ever buy, and it will play the key role in thousands of nights worth of good – or worse, potentially bad sleep. Invest wisely, get the best that your money can buy.

Check firmness

A good starting point, ask the store to show you a range of firmness levels, from soft to firm. King Koil for example splits the range into 5 firmness levels. Once you find the level that feels right for you, try comparable mattresses until you settle on your favourite.

Check fillings

The interior of the mattress can be cheap and cheerful with layers of polyester cushioning – not great, as perspiration causes the polyester to flatten quite quickly.

Better fillings that cushion, bounce and last a long time include foam, memory foam and new Gel memory foam – which is like memory foam but without any heat problems.

The springs in the mattress make a difference too – open coil springs are old technology, great if you just want a very firm feeling mattress, but not so great if you feel pressure or discomfort at night, or if you wake your partner when moving around in bed. Try pocket springs, for superb support and individual response to your body shape. Much less likely to disturb a resting partner.

The use of wool or natural latex in mattresses is something to consider but be aware of the upsides and downsides – wool is a fantastic natural insulator but does not hold its loft as well as foam. In other words, you might see body dips in a relatively short period of time. Latex is shipped in from Asia where the Latex sap is poured from tree’s. While natural, it is shipped half way across the world which carries a large carbon footprint. So weigh up your choice – knowing both pro’s and con’s.

Check the brand

Look out for the well-known brand names when you choose a mattress, especially for the peace of mind of local after sales service. This purchase is going to last you a long time and the last thing you want is hassle if anything goes wrong when you get the mattress home. Of course, here at King Koil we are always going to point to the virtues of our brand, that’s because we think we are doing the best job in the country at making mattresses in Ireland. It’s not well known, but King Koil employ over 300 people directly in full time jobs at our Kildare and Dublin factories. Supporting us, supports the local community. We are also proud to furnish the biggest and best hotels in Ireland. But, if you don’t choose a King Koil mattress, we suggest keep it to Irish made mattresses for local service and support.

Check the logistics

You may have to wait up to 4-5 weeks for your mattress, so plan ahead. And be careful when ordering large mattresses such as the 6-0ft size. Measure stair wells and door frames to ensure you’ve got clearance to get the product inside. Bending mattresses is just unwise, don’t do it.

Relax and enjoy

We promise, you will see the benefits of a well-chosen mattress from the minute you lie down on it. We mean, from the minute it arrives and you’ve removed the protective packaging. A new mattress breathes fresh vitality and comfort into the bedroom and so often pleasantly surprises people who can literally feel the comfort coming back into their night’s sleep. So whatever mattress you chose, we hope you enjoy it and if you want to choose a King Koil Mattress, even better again.