Down To Business Industry Reviews – Retailers

Down To Business Industry Reviews – Retailers

Our very own Peter Flanagan was a guest on the Bobby Kerr Down To Business show this weekend. It’s a lively show focusing on Irish businesses and industry. It talks to the people behind Irish businesses, both big and small, to get their insights into their industries, other industries and what it takes to be successful.

Over 250,000 retail employees got back to work as they reopened their doors to the public last Monday.

So for this week’s Industry Review, Bobby thought he would go around the country and talk to some of them to hear how they have been getting on.

Bobby was joined by:

  • Duncan Graham, Managing Director of Retail Excellence
  • Rebecca Harrison, Managing Director of Fishers of Newtownmountkennedy
  • Peter Flanagan, Co-Owner of Flanagan Kerins in Bray
  • Eamon Cunningham, Managing Director EJ Menswear &
  • Vinny Brown, Chief Buyer at Charlie Byrne Books in Galway
  • Jean McCabe, Owner of Willow in Ennis